In order to be able to achieve a clean and above all roughened copper surface for the most diverse coating processes of the printed circuit board, these must be etched with different microetching solutions.
For pre-cleaning and etching of copper in printed circuit board technology, we offer specially stabilised, acidic and weakly acidic microetching solutions.
The different products differ mainly in the chemical basis, whereby the choice of the right microetching solution depends on the desired process or use. For advice or more information, please contact our customer service.
The various microetching solutions are characterised by high copper consumptions of up to 45 g/l and uniform copper removal rates of 1.0-1.5µm/min.
Stabilised, acidic microetch solutions based on hydrogen peroxide/sulphuric acid are regenerable, i.e. the dissolved copper can be repeatedly crystallized out as copper sulphate and thus the discarding of the etching solution can be dispensed with when the specified copper limit concentration is reached.
Due to the uniform removal rates on base copper and electroplated copper, the various products are ideal for roughening copper surfaces, e.g. before
- through-hole plating of drill holes
- coating with final surfaces
- coating with galvanic processes
- pressing the inner laysers
- coating with dry-photo-resist
- coating with solder mask