After the photoresist has been developed, the copper bild-up and the through-hole plating have been occurred through galvanization, and finally the tin etch resist has ben applied by galvanization, the polymerized photo resist has to be stripped again and removed.
Our photoresist strippers have been specially developed for printed circuit board technology and are used to strip aqueous alkaline photoresists that have been applied as galvanic etch resists.
Due to the photoresist stripper, the resist is almost completely dissolved as tiny particles that are easy to filter. The product contains no potassium hydroxide solution, so copper and tin are not attacked. A highly effective anti-tarnish simultaneously prevents the oxidation of the copper surface.
This product is characterised by high stripping and production speed as well as simple bath management.
The subsequent etching of the copper takes place with our ammoniacal etching solution.
Decisive product advantages
- High production speed
- No measurable tin- and copper attack
- Simple bath control and continuous production operation
- Increasing of the bath life time due to filtration
- No disturbances when etching
- Copper surfaces remain clean and shiny